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April 4, 2024

Does Your Pet Need "Fixing?" Truth About Spay and Neuter.

WOW! The comments and questions on the broadcast were testimony that most pet owners do not know what these procedures do to the healthy body and that your pet may suffer an unhealthy life of health challenges as an result. We give you only a peak of...
March 28, 2024

Skin itch and Gut connection ... Diet Related

Major influence on gut biome with foods, drugs, flavors & other chemical contaminants ... Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET. Pet Health Cafe' TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV ( Pet Health Café Radio Show is...
March 14, 2024

Herbal and Botanical Products What's Good for my Pet?

Do your pets & you need Herbal & Botanical Products? You will learn how they are used by the body here! You need to listen to learn the secret! We give you the answers! Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET. Pet Health Cafe'...
March 7, 2024

Is Health and Aging Mineral Dependent ?

The body can not function without the proper tools. Are disease, illness and aging natural processes or are they the result of nutritional and mineral dis-regulation? What can we do to remedy these challenges. Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at...
Feb. 29, 2024

Is The Nutrition in the Food on a Raw Diet

Why do you ask where the nutrients, the vitamins, minerals, enzymes come from in a raw diet? If we cook our food, we destroy them, which means they were there. Nature feed every creature on the planet a raw diet. We are the only species that destroys...
Feb. 22, 2024

My Pet Was Diagnosed With Cancer... Now What?

Cancer!!! Death! Fear! Genetic! Euthanize! Is cancer a death sentence? Learn the truth that this is now a financial industry that has nothing to do with healing or health. The basic how to fix the body of your pets or yourself are explained with...
Feb. 15, 2024

The Role of Iron in Our Health

A very in depth presentation of the interrelationship between the specific forms of nutritional iron with copper, magnesium and other minerals. All these details explain probable causes for cancer, heart disease, pneumonia, and other health challenges...
Feb. 8, 2024

Pet Foods - Why is it hard to choose???

How is pet food made ... where did the government get involved & why .... are you told the truth about what is really in pet foods ... and are told what your dog, cat, rabbit or bird really need nutritionally. Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live...
Feb. 1, 2024

Water ... Your Health & Healing

We know that our water is the most important nutrient we need ... Stop paying companies to put your tap water into plastic bottles ... do it in your home fresh ... Let us help you! Luisa added a major key to you being healthier. Pet Health Cafe' is...
Jan. 25, 2024

Interview With Raw Pawws CEO A Raw Food Store

The day to day challenges within the industry from a competitive product line so you can learn the advantages of how we provide your pet with a low or no processed food options that provide your pet with optimal nutrition. There are Many option that...
Jan. 12, 2024

Are Pet Foods Copper Toxic? Recent FDA warnings creating fear.

We need copper to prevent the body from literally RUSTING! Yes, we tell you why copper is so important to creating energy which is the core for balancing our hormones, enzymes, stress and our overall health. This information will change YOUR life and...
Dec. 22, 2023

Quality Counts in Food. You and Your Pet Are What They Eat!

What food should I get for my healthy pet & myself? This will guide you in how to select a great species appropriate diet for yourself. This is a general guideline to start your journey. This is your starting point to building the right nutrients...
Dec. 15, 2023

Skin... the Protector and Cleaner of the Body

Do you know that most scratching, itching, allergy and skin issues are corrected by food, not drugs? If your pet has skin and coat issues, we break down the cause and the cures in an easy to follow format. Don't let your pet suffer any longer. No...
Dec. 1, 2023

Cure Your Fatique... The Solution

OMG .... Copper? Minerals? Supplements? Foods?? We sort through this maze to make it easy! This is the beginners course with more to come in the next few interviews Morley our life energy guy! Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET....
Nov. 23, 2023

Your Guide To a Healthier Pet ... The Right Start

A very comprehensive look at how to start your new pet off to a great health start. Share this guide of selecting, planning and finding your new pet. This will educate you in what to plan for to give your new pet an optimal life. You can actually add...
Nov. 16, 2023

Are supplements what they say they are? Helpful or dangerous?

Are the supplements you buy for your pets and yourself what they are marketed as? Do they really help? Do they bring other issues with them? What do they really contain? Could they be more harmful than good? Lot's of questions answered here! Pet...
Nov. 9, 2023

Cancer ... Not a Death Sentence

The body of your pet & even you have the ability to avoid, prevent and cure cancer without medical programs & protocols but with simplest of life-style changes. We present how you can do it! Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM...
Nov. 3, 2023

Leptosirosis ... Is It Really Dangerous To Our Pets & Us?

The hot, new disease of the year to sell you another ongoing never ending vaccine is now being pushed by the mainstream conventional veterinary industry. What are the what "if's" if I refuse? What are the adverse effects ? We answer this and as...
Oct. 26, 2023

C(U)re Your & Your Pets Fatigue The Role of Copper

The role of minerals in health is of upmost importance to the overall function of a healthy body.We are scraping the surface which we will develop into future programs. Share, like & subscribe to get the whole answer. Pet Health Cafe' is...
Oct. 20, 2023

Truth ... Healthy Pets with Zero Vet Bills... From a Client

This is an odyssey ... Olivia came in with the constant challenged pet with monthly issues based upon her family knowledge level. Eyes now open!!! Breaking Barriers!!! We learned from our parents based on 50+years of marketing the our pets need...
Sept. 8, 2023

When is Emergency Veterinary Care Needed?

Is your pet in a health crisis? Does it require an emergency trip to the emergency clinic? We explore the conditions and options you as the pet guardian need to consider. Can rushing to the vet be detrimental to your pet? Real answers are here. Pet...
Sept. 1, 2023

Is Addiction a Problem In Our Pets

ADDICTION! Not something we equate with our pets but that is a REAL problem. We explore the plethora of addictive substances our pets deal with from prescribed pain drugs to skin and allergy treatments to food additives and so much more. We also show...
Aug. 25, 2023

The Role of Hormones & Their Function

This second part on hormones, Dr Dym explains the functions, the health challenges created when disrupted and how we can fix it, We look at the issues of spay & neuter and the cascade of health issues it creates.A must watch if you have or want a...
Aug. 11, 2023

Are vaccines Safe & Effective Part r

We continue our journey into the vaccination subject & learn that what we see are not "side effects" but the true effects and adverse events they create for a minimal health benefit. So much important information packed into a short amount of...