Click Here to Watch/Listen to Pet Health Cafe' Live Every Thursday 8PM ET at W4HC Radio - Health Cafe' Live

Summer challenges and unknown dangers for pets

Join Bill, “The Pet Health Guru” and Dr. Michael Dym, VMD discussing
the effects of summer heat, parasites, fleas, ticks allergens and more...

Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET.

Pet Health Cafe' TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (

Pet Health Café Radio Show is broadcast on W4HC Radio - Health Café Live ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (

Pet Health Café Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.