Join Bill, The Pet Health Guru and Morley Robbins, renowned author and Wellness Coach on LIVE TV discussing how the lack of copper can accelerate Iron overload Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live ( part of Talk…
Join Bill in a live discussion on secret health solutions that can help you and your pets and they are most likely found in your home... Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live ( part of Talk 4…
Bill will be discussing why medicine may not always be the answer and he will share alternatives that have been proven to be beneficial. Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live ( part of Talk 4 Radio (…
Bill will be discussing nutritional fixes and preventive measures for common and not so common ailments. Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( Pet…
Join Bill, The Pet Health Guru in a LIVE TV show discussing the benefits of herbs and botanicals in people and pets alike. Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on…
Join Bill in his live discussion on WHEN and HOW things went wrong with Pet Health and what can be done to help. Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on…
Join Bill in a live discussion where he will share his tips on achieving proper nutrients with a dynamic rotation of foods and how this regimen can BOOST IMMUNITY for both CATS and DOGS alike. Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio…
Join Bill, The Pet Health Guru in a LIVE TV show discussing eye health and how eyesight can be improved through good nutrition and more... Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live ( part of Talk 4 Radio…