Learn about integrative Veterinary Medicine, moving from surviving to thriving, transforming Vet Medicine, biohacking Pet Health plus more... Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live (www.w4cs.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network…
Join Bill, The Pet Health Guru in a LIVE TV broadcast discussing so-called "clean" foods, what to look for and how you can find the best for you and your pets. Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live…
A discussion with Bill, The Pet Health Guru and Dr. Michael Dym, VMD on the trends, pitfalls and breakthroughs in pet care plus more... Pet Health Cafe' is broadcast live at Thursdays 8PM ET and Music on W4HC Radio – Health Café Live (www.w4cs.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com)…